5 tips for doing a spa Relax fatigue Plus you get beautiful skin all in one.

After working tiring all week I believe that all office ladies You must feel like going to a facial and body spa. for increasing energy And it’s more relaxing, but finding a day off to do a spa at the shop It may be inconvenient. Or the price may be too high. Therefore, we would like spa Relax fatigue to recommend 5 tips for doing your own spa. To increase relaxation and fatigue and complete beautiful skin within one step as follows at โปรโมชั่น ufabet
5 tips for doing your own spa
1. Hair spa
Starting with a hair spa By having people use a comb with flexible teeth. And it’s soft. Use it to gently comb your hair to reduce tangles. Then give a spa treatment with hair care products. And leave the hair mask on for about 5 minutes, choosing to use a product that also nourishes the scalp. Then rinse with normal temperature water. Hair will be more beautiful and shiny. Along with the use of Argan oil is another helper. Makes hair softer than before without leaving any negative effects
2. Preparing warm water
A body spa is the best. When you soak in warm water Only at a temperature of about 37-38 degrees, which is considered a water temperature that will not cause spa Relax fatigue the skin to lose too much moisture. It also stimulates good blood circulation. It greatly increases the relaxation of your skin and mood.
3. Choose your favorite scented candle.
One of the spa treatments To make the mood and mind calm. Makes you feel more relaxed After soaking in warm water is choosing a scented candle. that are specifically used in spa treatments It creates an atmosphere through various scents, which will provide both benefits for relaxing the mood. and causing the fragrance to spread throughout the bathroom Therefore making you feel relaxed for a longer time.
4. Prepare natural nourishing oils.
natural nourishing oil which can be used on both hair and body It will be another helper that makes the skin smooth, soft, and moisturized. No roughness and make you feel more comfortable Choose to use pure natural oil, such as almond oil. Essential oils with a fresh scent coconut oil That will help both massage and nourish and reduce undulating skin. Does not cause any negative effects or leave any substances on the skin as well
5. Facial spa treatment
Facial spa treatment It will similar to the body’s skin. But it is a step that requires caution. Because the facial skin is thinner than the body skin. Start by spa Relax fatigue washing your face normally. Then mask your face or use a skin scrub. When cleaning is complete Gently blot your face with a soft cloth, then repeat the facial mask one more time. This will help restore and make your skin feel more comfortable.